2025.01.16 Thu
ジェムソン ブランドアンバサダーを募集
バーやレストランなどの取引先との信頼関係を築き、より多くのお客様に製品を手に取っていただくことを目指します。セミナーやイベントの開催、バー訪問を通じて「ジェムソン」の魅力を伝えることが主な役割です。ペルノ・リカール・ジャパンは、世界のスピリッツおよびワイン業界をリードするペルノ・リカール グループの日本法人です。影響力のあるブランドを担当し、創造性を活かしながら裁量を持って活動できる環境が整っています。また、消費者や取引先との接点を築くだけでなく、アイルランドの蒸留所とも連携し、最新の製品情報を直接得ることができます。
Pernod Ricard Japan K.K. is seeking a Brand Ambassador (one position) for the Irish whiskey “Jameson” as part of its business expansion.
The role involves building strong relationships with bars, restaurants, and other business partners to encourage more customers to experience the product. Key responsibilities include hosting seminars and events, visiting bars, and promoting the appeal of “Jameson.”
Pernod Ricard Japan is the Japanese subsidiary of the globally leading Pernod Ricard Group in the spirits and wine industry. The company offers an environment where individuals can take ownership of influential brands and work creatively with a high degree of autonomy. In addition to engaging with consumers and business partners, the position also involves collaboration with distilleries in Ireland to gain direct access to the latest product information.
For more details, please refer to the job posting under “Careers” on our official website. We look forward to receiving your applications.